Midroc New Technology

Webseite: https://www.midroc.se/en/

Kontaktperson: Göran Linder

Box 3002 Box 3002, Solna
Venture Capital Gesellschaft


Our vision is a better future, in which we contribute to creating a community where people can live, grow and prosper. When we work for the future, we have to conduct responsible businesses and contribute with innovative ideas that last over time, whether we plan to build a new neighborhood or develop solutions for the industry. We work in many different locations and we cover multiple industries. What we have in common is our vision and our way of working, we all want to make a positive difference every day to contribute to a better future.

Thematische Fokusfelder:

Präferierte Investitionsphasen: Start-up, Start-up (Series A), Start-up (Series B)

Unser Angebot

We split our business into three areas, Contracting, Properties and Invest. Contracting comprises our contracting and consulting businesses where we take on multi-disciplinary projects and carry out service and maintenance. Properties comprises our property and office businesses where we develop and build properties and town districts. Invest comprises our investing business that develops companies and innovations through long-term investments. The spine of everything that we do is our way of working, which is expressed through our distinct project and corporate culture.


Midroc New Technology Box 3002 Box 3002 , 16903 Solna Schweden

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StartGreen ist das Online-Informations- und Vernetzungsportal für die grüne Gründungsszene in Deutschland. Hier informiert und vernetzt sich die grüne Gründungsszene (grüne Gründerinnen und Gründer, grüne Start-ups, grüne Investorinnen und Investoren und Finanzierende, nachhaltig orientierte Gründungszentren u.v.m.) um ihr Wissen und ihre Erfahrungen auszutauschen.

Dieses Projekt wurde gefördert durch
logos von 'Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz' und 'Nationale Klimaschutz Initiative'