Greencoat Capital


Greencoat Capital is one of the UK’s largest investors in the resource efficiency and renewable energy market, with more than £2.0 billion under management. We invest across multiple strategies within this space: wind infrastructure, solar infrastructure and private equity. Founded in 2009, we have built an experienced and stable team of approaching 30 investment professionals. We are headquartered in London, and have an office in Dublin.

Thematische Fokusfelder: Erneuerbare Energien

Präferierte Investitionsphasen: Start-up, Start-up (Series A), Start-up (Series B)

Unser Angebot

Greencoat UK Wind Greencoat UK Wind is the leading listed renewable infrastructure fund, invested in operating UK wind farms. The fund is a constituent of the FTSE 250 and has a market capitalisation of approximately £1.35 billion. Greencoat Solar Greencoat Capital is one of the UK’s largest independent managers of unlisted institutional capital in solar. Greencoat Solar is a platform that owns and operates UK Solar PV generation assets to provide investors with a robust, inflation-linked yield. Acquisitions are made with long-term investment horizons. Over £550m under management. Greencoat Renewables Greencoat Renewables PLC is an owner and operator of euro-denominated renewable infrastructure energy assets. The company is invested in wind farms in the Republic of Ireland, and listed on the ESM market of the Irish Stock Exchange and the AIM market of the London Stock Exchange.


Greencoat Capital Kreuzplätzchen 5 , 81669 München Deutschland

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Dieses Projekt wurde gefördert durch
logos von 'Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz' und 'Nationale Klimaschutz Initiative'