
Webseite: http://pukika.com/

Email: info@pukika.org

Kontaktperson: Juan Vargas

Dernburgstr 7, Berlin


We are a sustainability software company proposing self-sufficient cities to solve the problem of urban population growth this century, which will jump from 4.5 billion today to 9 billion by the year 2100.

Unternehmensphase: Seed-Phase (Idee bzw. Vorgründung)

Gründer: Ronja Scholz, Juan Vargas

Unser Produkt

Pukika INCEPTION is a multiplayer, mobile & VR, game to build a self-sufficient city. It's also a platform to test sustainability ideas and attend online events. The simulation will pave the way to develop software to manage real cities in a more self-sufficient way.

Unser Beitrag

The current urban explosion brings environmental destruction and our economic model is not able to put a stop to inequality. We need to come up with a new urban and economic model, otherwise we will continue with business as usual, with a lot of talk and good intentions, but no real, large-scale solution to this existential challenge humanity faces this century. Here is where Pukika comes in. After reverse engineering the systems that allow a city to be self-sufficient (not just sustainable), we want to develop a city simulator that can allow teenagers and university students to learn about resource management at a city scale, and contribute to solving the puzzle of how a city can be self-sufficient and yet offer its citizens a modern lifestyle.

Interesse an der Teilnahme an einem Inkubatoren- oder Accelerator-Programm?



Pukika Dernburgstr 7 , 14057 Berlin Deutschland

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Dieses Projekt wurde gefördert durch
logos von 'Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz' und 'Nationale Klimaschutz Initiative'