GRZ Technologies SA



Telefon: +41795913765

Kontaktperson: Zsolt Füri

Rue de l'industrie 17, Sion
Erneuerbare Energien


GRZ Technologies Ltd. is a company based in Switzerland specialized in the energy storage in the form of hydrogen. A spinoff from the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Lausanne (EPFL), it aims at providing an attractive solution to the problem of fluctuating renewable energy sources. Its technology, commercialized under the DASH trademark, enables the storage of hydrogen in a dense, safe and affordable manner.

Geschäftsmodell: B2B

Mitarbeiter*innen: 5

Status Kapitalsuche: Auf Kapitalsuche

Höhe des gesuchten Kapitals: 5,00 €

Gegründet: 2017

Unternehmensphase: Wachstumsphase (Marktdurchdringung)

Gründer: Noris Gallandat; Claudio Ruch; Prof. Andreas Züttel

Unser Produkt

GRZ Technologies is in the process to develop DASH – Dense and safe hydrogen storage. DASH stores hydrogen at near ambient temperature and pressure in solid metal hydrides. It can be refilled at low pressure (< 10 bar) directly from an electrolyzer and has an extreme high volumetric density – twice as much as liquid hydrogen! Most importantly, the technology is highly scalable: by increasing the number of cylinders, the energy capacity can be easily scaled up .

Unser Beitrag

DASH will unleash the vast potential of safe and economic hydrogen energy that can eliminate more than 70% of GHG emissions that reach an annual volume of 43.737 Mt CO2e globally and 4.400 Mt CO2e in the EU. The energy sector is the largest contributor to global emissions over any other sector, with 72% of share. Renewable energy like PV and wind are growing, but countries like China and India still use a lot of coal to generate electricity. And where coal is phased out, natural gas plants also take over, which still contribute to climate warming. In the EU, emissions from electricity generation and district heating represented 26% of all emissions. DASH will accelerate in particular the growth of solar and wind energy, which is the cleanest of all, as it can store energy with higher energy density and at lower cost than batteries.

Interesse an der Teilnahme an einem Inkubatoren- oder Accelerator-Programm?



GRZ Technologies SA Rue de l'industrie 17 , 1951 Sion Schweiz

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Dieses Projekt wurde gefördert durch
logos von 'Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz' und 'Nationale Klimaschutz Initiative'