Byprotex GmbH



Kontaktperson: Dr. Andreas Wieser

Brunnberg 12, Frauenneuharting
Rohstoff- und Materialeffizienz


The AgTech company Byprotex is a digital and independent B2B marketplace for trading animal by-products and plant-based materials. Target products include protein meals and fats from processed animal (incl. fish) blood, organs, bones which are not fit for human consumption, used cooking oil as well as milk proteins, whey products, plant extracts, etc. Processed protein powder and fats are an important input factor for pet food, animal and fish feed, oleochemicals, fertilizers, biofuels and energy production.

Geschäftsmodell: B2B

Mitarbeiter*innen: 4

Status Kapitalsuche: Auf Kapitalsuche

Höhe des gesuchten Kapitals: 1 000 000,00 €

Gegründet: 2020

Unternehmensphase: Start-up Phase (Gründung und Markteinführung)

Gründer: Dr. Andreas Wieser Sebastian Gottfried Lubos Cechvala Florian Bergmann

Unser Produkt

The AgTech company Byprotex is a digital and independent B2B marketplace for trading animal by-products and plant-based materials. Target products include protein meals and fats from processed animal (incl. fish) blood, organs, bones which are not fit for human consumption, used cooking oil as well as milk proteins, whey products, plant extracts, etc. Processed protein powder and fats are an important input factor for pet food, animal and fish feed, oleochemicals, fertilizers, biofuels and energy production.

Unser Beitrag

Our goal is to establish a transparent global marketplace for trading animal by-products, plant-based materials, and dairy products directly between producers and sellers without a need to involve an intermediary. Today, the market is still very intransparent which leads to missed market opportunities and opaque pricing - we want to change that! Our aim is to create a transparent marketplace which enables its participants to discover new market opportunities, tap into new markets, and be able to easily sell its production volume / cover their demand needs. At the same time, we expect that a high liquidity and supply-demand dynamics will lead to fair market pricing.

Interesse an der Teilnahme an einem Inkubatoren- oder Accelerator-Programm?


Weitere Informationen

Pitch-Deck kann auf Anfrage zur Verfügung gestellt werden


Byprotex GmbH Brunnberg 12 , 83553 Frauenneuharting Deutschland

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Dieses Projekt wurde gefördert durch
logos von 'Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz' und 'Nationale Klimaschutz Initiative'