

Climate Tech Terrace Party: How to Find & Found Diverse Teams

11. Jul 2024 17:30 Uhr - 11. Jul 2024 20:00 Uhr

Are you struggling to find a co-founder or want to diversify your startup team? Are you building a team within a larger organisation? Are you looking for a role change or are considering launching out on your own but struggle to know where to start?

We have an evening of inspiration & networking to help. We will share some founding stories & expert advice on what works & what doesn’t, and help you answer your queries about how to build a diverse team. We will have pitches from founders or teams looking to hire & speed networking to match teams with co-founders & job-seekers. We will have accelerators, venture builders & VCs to connect with & share their thoughts to help you accelerate.

We welcome all genders to come and join a fun-packed evening on the Impact Hub Berlin terrace & co-create your future success.

Who is behind this event?

A co-creation from Impact Hub Berlin, Womxn for Climate Tech & Innovation and carbon13. This event is hosted at Impact Hub Berlin & co-created with Carla Erber from Climate KIC, Doreen Rietentiet DWR eco GmbH; Marina Fontoura Simon Dierks from carbon13, the Berlin chapter of Women and Climate & myself Sarah Needham, Unique-U Coaching.

Who should attend?

We especially encourage FINTA* founders from the LGBTQIA+ and BIPOC communities, founders with disabilities, health conditions or neurodiversity to attend. However, we also warmly invite (cis) men and people who do not identify as FINTA* because we believe in the importance of their role as allies. We encourage you to attend, find FINTA* co-founders and diversify your teams.

We want to create cross-industry networks so we encourage everyone with a focus on - or enthusiasm for - climate & sustainability topics, participating in the following areas to this event:

  • founders & budding entrepreneurs;
  • accelerator & incubator programmes;
  • universities or research institutes;
  • VCs & investors;
  • corporate leaders in these areas or investing in these areas;
  • think tanks & innovation hubs;
  • women's networks;
  • all women who are working towards making the world a fairer, greener & more connected place.

Why do we do this?

We believe that together we can stand stronger & create meaningful change. Take this opportunity to come along & be inspired by being in the presence of others who are changing the world!

Be courageous, connect & contribute! The more we can co-create & lift one another up, the more we can achieve together to benefit everyone!

We look forward to sharing this evening with you all! Please share this invite with the other amazing people in your network!

Take care,

Sarah, Carla, Doreen, the Impact Hub Berlin, carbon13 & Women and Climate Berlin

What else should I know?

Note: Womxn for Climate Tech & Innovation was created as "Women Supporting Women" in 2019 to support the women in Climate-KIC accelerator programs. Since then we have been holding regular events to connect & support women in green tech & social impact entrepreneurship.to support the women in Climate-KIC accelerator programs back in 2019. Since then we have been holding regular events to connect & support women in green tech & social impact entrepreneurship.

Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/climate-tech-terrace-party-how-to-find-found-diverse-teams-tickets-871611301867?aff=oddtdtcreator

StartGreen ist das Online-Informations- und Vernetzungsportal für die grüne Gründungsszene in Deutschland. Hier informiert und vernetzt sich die grüne Gründungsszene (grüne Gründerinnen und Gründer, grüne Start-ups, grüne Investorinnen und Investoren und Finanzierende, nachhaltig orientierte Gründungszentren u.v.m.) um ihr Wissen und ihre Erfahrungen auszutauschen.

Dieses Projekt wurde gefördert durch
logos von 'Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, nukleare Sicherheit und Verbraucherschutz' und 'Nationale Klimaschutz Initiative'